Strangers Publishing: 2023/2024 Open Submission Details
UPDATE: I am so very sorry, I included the wrong email when this was originally shared. Please forwarded any requests to StrangersFanzine(at)gmail.com
It's been awhile since I've written anything here. I've been toying with this idea for awhile and am finally willing to try it! For the first time, Strangers will be opening up submissions for new comics. Please read below for submission guidelines and misc notes to help.
- Any comic submitted will be released in Q4 of 2023 or 2024, if you are looking for something to be published prior to then, please do not submit!
- Strangers puts a heavy focus on unique looking genre comics. We do not publish YA, superhero, diary comics, auto-bio, graphic biographies or any other types of non-fiction. No art books either, as much as I’d one day like to.
- Please look through the books we've published over the past 18 months. Stylistically and thematically, does your work fit? Strangers and many of our creators tend to draw influence from European and Japanese comic styles.
- If you are a writer, please make sure you have an artist attached to your work and can share samples on their behalf. We will not consider scripts that don’t have some sort of art tied to the project.
- If I could best breakdown Strangers into 3 broad pillars, it'd be the following:
- Idiosyncratic solo anthology comics: Urourotown, Felt Tip
- Pulpy action comics: Krania, Jungleland, Dynamite Diva
- Hard edged science-fiction: Disco Lavante, Gun-Metal Affair, Book of Fuligin, God Bless The Machine
- Lastly and probably most important- Strangers operates on a 70/30 profit split (majority to the creator) after initial expenses are covered. Creators get to keep their copyright over their stories/ideas/characters/etc. If you are good with this model, proceed ahead!
So, with some of those details out of the way, here's what you will need to include in your submissions. Please send all work to StrangersFanzine[at]gmail.com with the subject line: Strangers 2023 Open Submissions.
- A working title and short paragraph description of your project.
- An estimated page count for the book as well as what size you are intending the physical copy to be at. Additionally, if you had specific intentions on how you would like this printed, please indicate here (riso, offset, foiled lettering, etc.)
- Please note: books must be a minimum of 20 pages, would prefer stories closer to 44 pages.
- Is this a series? If so- please indicate how many issues and a timeline of how frequently you can finish each issue.
- What is your current timeline for finishing the project
- A link to your portfolio or just a place I can review previous work, must have some examples of sequential work.
- If you have sample pages from the book, those would be great to include as well!
- While I might not be able to take on your project, there is a chance for other opportunities like anthologies, etc. If that is something you’re interested in, please just add a little note as to what else you may be interested in being involved in!
I will try my very best to respond to every submission with some sort of feedback but I cannot guarantee a response, especially if there is significant volume.
Thanks so much and I'm excited to hear from y'all.
- Eddie
Danny Ferbert
Bang Bang Goes Hunter
A Sci-fi sexploitation comedy about the ship Manta-babe and their exploits through space and time trying to put food on their plate and gas in their tank. Follow the exploits of Hunter, Heart, and Boris as they skip around the universe catching bad guys until the universe catches up with them!
The book is mostly finished, I’m in the process of editing and coloring at the moment. There are a few pages near the end that still need to be inked. It could be released in 4 issues or as a single graphic novel around 80 pages. There is a 3-D part of the book in the 3rd issue. I have the 1st 3 issues mostly colored now. I could get it finished within a few months.
You can find some samples of the book in my gallery along with examples of other comics I’ve worked on in my portfolio:
Thanks for your consideration!
Danny Ferbert
Bang Bang Goes Hunter
A Sci-fi sexploitation comedy about the ship Manta-babe and their exploits through space and time trying to put food on their plate and gas in their tank. Follow the exploits of Hunter, Heart, and Boris as they skip around the universe catching bad guys until the universe catches up with them!
The book is mostly finished, I’m in the process of editing and coloring at the moment. There are a few pages near the end that still need to be inked. It could be released in 4 issues or as a single graphic novel around 80 pages. There is a 3-D part of the book in the 3rd issue. I have the 1st 3 issues mostly colored now. I could get it finished within a few months.
You can find some samples of the book in my gallery along with examples of other comics I’ve worked on in my portfolio:
Thanks for your consideration!